I graduated from culinary school in New York City with a blue ribbon, and enjoy cooking for family and friends as well as to serve and bless others. Given the opportunity I would cook and eat Asian or Greek food every single day.
I also used to dabble in professional photography (those landscape photos on my home page are from yours truly).
I have two wiener dogs, Pippin and Jasper. If you are ever on a video call with me you might have the pleasure of hearing them in the background.
My favorite country I have had the pleasure of visiting is Greece because of the wonderful friendly people, the history, the ancient architecture, AND THE FOOD! Close runners up are Lisbon, Portugal and Paris, France - for the very same reasons.
I absolutely love live theater. I consider it one of the best perks of living in the New York City area. Wanna see me in my happy place? Take me to Broadway!